
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

10:39 p.m. - 2008-03-12

It's there, it's always been there, but we've never let it grow. It lingers behind our hearts, like a taste of water in the desert, yet we don't know what water tastes like or what it looks like, or what it feels like to have our thirsts quinched. Its sort of like faith, we believe what we feel, yet at the end of the day, we sleep alone, praying to the spark that it might grow by itself and consume us, taking us away from everything or taking everything away from us.
There is this spark between us, but we can never agree upon what we want to do with this spark. I want a sun, no, I want a super nova that will swallow everything up in it's final flame. I want her to be my supernova, to lick everything up with her galactic fire tongue, so that way we can start a new existence, our way. I want a supernova, but all she wants is a campfire to keep her warm during the desert night. Then during sunlight she can dance freely in the sand with the wind and be as free as she can be. All she wants is warmth, not a sun, just a small flame.

Since we're so far apart now, she sleeps with the beasts that she hunted during the day. Their only good for one night, until life leaves them, until she finally drains their blood, with her mouth. She has transformed into a creature that I have no name for, but still she carries the spark, behind her heart.

I am in a different desert, mine is in the arctic, cold and desolate, no beasts to hunt, no beasts to hunt me. I am hungry, I am thirsty, I'm alone. The only warmth that I have left is from this tiny little spark, behind my heart that is a small tiny piece of hers.

The spark beckons to complete itself. We are simply shells of it, nothing more. We are so very different, from two different worlds, and the only thing in common is this small little spark, behind our hearts. We pray to it, that somehow, it will grow and unite itself so that one day we can finally rest in peace and hearts to become one. Whatever happens to us doesn't matter, all we want is warmth, that's all.

Oh spark, won't you join us soon, before we die?

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