
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

7:02 p.m. - 2008-12-10
Oh shit! My "bad" I misunderstood everything. Fuck, I thought this whole "religion" thing was real. Like god isn't real? is that what you're trying to tell me? and if you know my heart and soul, then you would also know my thoughts. You would also know that you owe me for this terrible lie. Nothing I do is ever enough and here I am, damnmed for belieiving in "salavation". What I thought was a redeeming cross turned out to be nothing more than just wood. So who is to blame? the disciples for writing all of these lies about salvation, or do I blame god? Do I blame you, Jesus Christ, for being nothing but a lie?

You tell me of a heaven and yet here I am on this forsaken barren land. You try to teach me how to be a good christian but I can't help but think of Babylon. I can't help but think that everything you tell me is shit and even though it may come from the lamb's heart, it's nothing but a lie.

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