
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

3:03 p.m. - Sun enters 21� Pisces, Anno IVxvi
I, fell off my camel
For want of water, I
searched for an Oasis
For want of an Oasis
I, forced the camel off course
For falling off course, I feel off the camel
I, ran to the Oasis
I found water, without hesitation
I drank, and I drank, and I ignored the "chalky under-taste"

There I layed in the sand with nothing but this disease. For want, I became lost, all over again. But grace befell upon me, and the camel had not steered far from me. With the small strenght left, I once again rode off into the night.

Into the city of pyramids, by the prints made by V.V.V.V.V.

There is no I, just IT, the path without wants, beyond truth and lie, beyond anything that could ever mean to be I. May I be erased from this point on.

I- the self, the ego, Isis, the beginning of the career.
O-Satan, the accuser but only of one's own sin, He does not put the fruit in your mouth, you choose to. Also the all, or in other words nothing. Zero, the consumation of nothing in all. Hadit.
A-The pentagram. The spirit in control of man. V.V.V.V.V.

The camel, Carries through the abyss. Pertaining to the moon. Gimel.
Oasis being temptation in the desert, Satan.
Water pertaining to emotions, poisoned, meaning chasing after cheap desires and not only falling off the path but being poisoned by lust.
"Chalky under-taste" is taken from the movie, Rose Mary's baby, when she is drugged by the chocolate mouse and then becomes Satan's concubine, to carry his child into the material world. This line of thought pertains to the camel and the moon, and of course A being solar. BABYLON and THE GREAT BEAST. The path is to give off one's self completely, and to pour the blood into the cup of BABYLON...perception is objectional. Truth to one is a lie to another. Your "God" is my Satan and vice versa.

"Don't get off course because of some cheap desire, get back on the horse!"

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