
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

7:01 p.m. - Sun enters 04� Aries, Anno IVxvii
As hallow as the O in Joy
With a bleeding heart, I searched for a way to ease my pain. Anguish transfigured itself into rage, and I wanted so bad to hurt her. I found the book of Mercury and I asked Toth, how can I repay the debt. Words on pages, which I understood not, at the time. Days and nights I sought to understand the sentence. Then I broke it apart and focused on a word. Soon I realized that I had to meditate upon the first letter. That Letter is O.

Funny thing happened, I forgot all about the pain and sorrow. Instead I found great Joy in my travels. Now the travel eats Joy, for Joy betrayed me, and Joy drained me of any hope I had in this world. Joy, does not know that she is tainted, she just lays poisonous eggs in the hearts of all, but she doesn't know, she's joy. Joy just is, and it exists, but not in Joy. O is in the center of Joy and it devours the letters around it. It is a vaccuum. It is beyond God, it is The Devil.

Joy has killed the Joy in my world. Joy to me, now, is a word without meaning because O has swallowed it whole. Glory be to my saviour. Io Pan, Io Pan, My saviour art Thou. O!

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