
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

4:14 p.m. - Sun enters 02� Taurus, Anno IVxvii
Hymn to Satan
I ADORE Thee, King of Evil,
By the body Thou hast fashioned
In the likeness of a devil.
By its purity impassioned
I adore Thee, King of Evil!

I adore Thee, Lord of Malice,
By the soul that Thou hast moulded
Lovely as a lily-chalice
To the sombre sun unfolded.
I adore Thee, Lord of Malice!

By its thirst, the cruel craving
For things infinite, unheard-of,
Dreams devouring and depraving,
Songs no God may guess a word of,
Songs of crime and songs of craving ---

By the drear eyes of the devil
Bleak and sterile as they glitter
I adore Thee, King of Evil,
With these lips, as dry and bitter
As the drear eyes of the devil!

I adore Thee, I invoke Thee,
I abase myself before Thee,
By the spells that once awoke the
Lust of Chaos I adore Thee,
I adore Thee, I invoke Thee!


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