
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

2:48 a.m. - December 10, 2013
Cautionary words
This isn't you social media bullshit. Fake celebrity wannabe is not what you'll find here. This is a place where I write what I want, regardless of how anyone may react. I learned a long time ago that the mind is complex, so don't take a post as the totality of my soul. I said complex not contradictory.

This shit gets more in trouble than anything but at the end of the day this is personal. If you stumbled on this page then you did it to yourself. Everyone who means anything to me, I've tried to share this site with at some point. Every single person has taken it for granted. Only one person took it seriously and empowered me to take it even further than this page.

This is my catharsis, but a catharsis coming from a Thelemite is not the same as an Atheists. This isn't religious this is spiritual. Don't judge me, This is me for me, not for you.

So for the first time, get off this page. I'm no locking it, why am I doing all of the work. You had a chance, all of you did--to get a glimpse of who I am. Well now I'm uncensored and if you want hurt then here I am.

Its not me being heartless, but its me being tired of walking on eggshells even when I'm expressing myself. I'm not censoring my true emotions anymore. Perhaps I am deranged and psychotic but I love it. I am who I am and I enjoy the self-exploration. In closing, just like I look for ways to undermine everything in my life, so are you by even reading this page. Before you continue further, stop.

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