
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

1:38 a.m. - 2008-09-05
Your lack of meeting my desire is the reason, but let reason be damned. I am far away from you and I rejoice in the road out of the hell you call heaven. Black is white, night is day, and I contradict what you say. I'm tired of you, your apathy, your slowness in effect, like a tasteless poison, corroding my veins. My life now, is the constant reminder that all that I see are hallucinations, and nothing is real; so living with this fact, I also have to live with loneliness. I am writing this to no one because my mind fabricated eyes, my mind fabricated minds, my mind fabricates lies. My mind fabricated this heaven, and so I sell my soul to the devil, so that I may break free from this torture.

Tonight I gave you the "why", but you and I aren't true, so this has all been a lie.

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