
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

12:52 a.m. - 2008-09-12

I have found that spreads based on non-tarot systems (astrological houses, chakras, kabbalah) are a bit too abstract for me. They just don't have that good old cover-everything feel of a Celtic cross! Or maybe they cover too much . . . Here is an attempt at a less abstract, more "practical" tree of life spread. PLEASE let me know if you think it is effective and/or if it is too far from the original to be CALLED a tree of life.

Lay out a regular tree of life with cards face down.

Turn over cards 2 and 3 = The issue
2 = the force behind the issue
3 = the form the issue takes

Turn over cards 7 - 10 = You
7 = your emotions
8 = your thinking
9 = your persona (your everyday self and how you present yourself)
10 = your body and possessions

Turn over cards 4 and 5 = Outside influences
4 = people or things going for you
5 = people or things going against you

Turn over cards 6 and 1
6 = advice--the best thing you can do
1 = spiritual aspects--morality or personal growth related to the issue

Add card 11 in the Daath position (between 2/4 and 3/5)
11 = what is unknown, possibly future

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