
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

3:18 p.m. - September 15, 2011
Something without a mouth hides deep within me. It's the culmination of every-day bullshit. I've endured so much and I thought I left unscathed. Secretly, this blood clot has been growing in my chest. Each time I try to get a feel for, I end up with a brand new cut. Ignoring it, lets it grow bigger. I've done things I normally wouldn't. I've fallen into bad habits again. I'm slipping without a trace. What's worst is that I don't even remember my name at times. I've become a shell for this mass of hatred and hurt that has been implanted in me. You see, before my world was destroyed and demolished, those who pulled the trigger left a bullet in my brain. I don't know up from down. I don't know if I'm dead or alive. I just know that they're gone, everything has been raped and killed. I know that you are to blame. I know that this is not me!

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