
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

11:24 a.m. - 2008-02-19
My final requiem for Laura
Drove down, miles and hours synced together and the further they progressed, the further I was apart from you. I locked you inside, deep in my chest, a bleak memory. The promise that some day soon you'll join me in my new world. Without you I couldn't start over, I couldn't continue in order. I was only alive just so you'd finally join me, again.

Sudden as you made your promise, faster you broke it. Funny how I gave everything up for you, but you did absolutely nothing for me. What had happened to the seal we made with our tongues? What happened to the promise?

It's been so long since I last felt you. I almost felt apart when I saw you again, until I heard of what you had become. I fell in love with a memory of a shadow that once was. The only place you still exist is in my heart, but tonight I'm burying it in the ground. Goodbye, torture, you're the only thing in my nothing. I rather be empty than to live with this heavy.

I'll love you forever...

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