
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

12:36 a.m. - November 18, 2011
My Love, I'm Back
My Love, there's been a strain, things aren't like they used to be. There's been a change...

I've lost myself
I sold my soul to Hell
So that's where I've been

I know we held hands, every day; but inside I'm trying to trace back my pieces. My love, I want you to only know that I'm done. I found my soul, and I'm bringing it back for you. I'm sorry for this, I slipped and let it fall down into the depths. I want you to know that I'm back.

I love you, and I hope that the distance hasn't been too much. Forgive me for the neglect, unintentional. I'm bringing my soul back, so we can fix it up. It's so very broken and dark. But now I'm ready to clean it up. No, not for God or for cleanliness sake. No its so that we can say farewell, to the land of desolation forever.
It's hard you know, to let go of what you've known, even if it is all bad. But I want you to know that I love you and that I'm finally ready to live...to be... h...to be happy.

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