
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

1:13 a.m. - October 30, 2013
The hidden life of a masochist
Pain seems so comfortable, like the scars left behind on my skin. Familiar and destructive, I fall into my old behavior. What I know, I know, and I don't care if it's wrong--I just don't want everyone to know. The secrets and lies cover these walls, deceit feels like home. I wish I could stay but to change who I am is just too late. You love me too much to let me go, but you don't love yourself enough to know that there is no hope. Locked in this box, don't confuse hurt with love. If these scars were steps to happiness then I would've embraced life a long time ago. Instead they paved the road to damnation. I know its hard but let me go. The longer you hold me the more damage I'll cause. I warned you a long time ago: either you or me will bleed. Right now I've got the razor in my hand and the tighter you hold on, the more damage done. Let go and save us both.

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