
"Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?"

1:40 a.m. - November 04, 2011
Loathsome Heathen
Can't say that I knew all along
I never said I had control
If I could change the past I would only change one thing
and that's to never be seen.

I wish I could dissolve my shame in the shadows
If only I could disappear...
Yeah, this world would be a better place without me
but for right now you're stuck with me
Might as well, get to know each other.
I'll start with my name:

It's the same as yours and the same as your neighboor. The same as your wife and priest. The same as your God, the same as your Devil god. It's the name we all share in shame. My name is Heathen, and I'm here to reclaim my name.

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